Department of Psychology of Small Groups and Intergroup Relations

Dr. Lidia Chornа
Head of the Department, Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Research Fellow




Department Team:

Pavlo Gornostai – Doctor in Psychology, professor, Chief Research Fellow

Oksana Yaremchuk – Doctor in Psychology, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow

Olga Korobanova – Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Research Fellow

Viktor Vus – Ph.D in Psychology, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Editor-in-Chief of Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal
Director-at-Large (2021-2023), World Federation for Mental Health,
Facilitator (Ukraine), international Mental Wellness Society

Advisor for the year 2020-2021 with a mission and vision to promote Mental Health Awareness and Psychological Wellbeing (PFM; UN Global Compact)


Olga Pletka – Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Research Fellow

Iryna Revera – Junior Research Fellow

About department:

The Laboratory of Psychology of Small Groups and Intergroup Relations was established in 2006 with the aim of investigating the problems of intragroup and intergroup interaction in various social situations.

Scientists of the laboratory study the problems of group interaction in difficult social situations; intergroup interaction in conditions of war and peace; group identity; group unconscious; psychology of collective trauma; psychology of roles and gender psychology; mental health; psychology of historical memory; diverse aspects of psychotherapy, psychological rehabilitation and counseling psychology and many others.

• The main scientific achievements of the laboratory include:
• Socio-psychological theory of group identity in small groups of educational and social environments
• The main provisions of the theory of the conscious and unconscious as factors in the regulation of group interaction
• The main provisions of the theory of problem group interaction in difficult social situations

Since 2021, laboratory staff has been carrying out scientific research on the topic “Psychology of intergroup interaction in the historical and territorial dimensions.” Since war is an extreme form of intergroup interaction, and the factors of war are historically and territorially determined features of intergroup relations, the definition of temporal and spatial socio-psychological mechanisms of conflict interaction of social groups is relevant and prognostically important. The study involves determining the scientific foundations for resolving and overcoming contradictions, tensions, conflicts between different social groups caused by collective traumas, states of war and peace.

Over the years, the laboratory worked: doctors of psychological sciences V.V. Gorbunova, V.R. Dorozhkin, O.A. Leshchinskaya, candidates of psychological sciences O.L. Voznesenskaya, N.V. Dyshlova, G.V. Tsyganenko.

Topics of scientific research

  • Psychology of intergroup interaction in historical and territorial dimensions (2021-2023)
  • Psychological phenomena of group interaction in complex social situations (2018-2020)
  • Conscious and unconscious as the factors of regulating the group interaction of actors in educational process (2014-2017)
  • Peculiarities of group Identity formation in educational and social environments (2009-2013)
  • Peculiarities of group dynamics in conditions of secondary school reformation (2006-2008)


Проблемна взаємодія в групах: феноменологія, чинники, профілактика
Problem interaction in groups: phenomenology, factors, prevention

Проблемна взаємодія в групах: феноменологія, чинники, профілактика: монографія [Л. Г. Чорна, П. П. Горностай, О. В. Яремчук, В. І. Вус, О. Л. Коробанова, О. Т. Плетка] / за наук. ред. Л. Г. Чорної; Національна академія педагогічних наук України, Інститут соціальної та політичної психології. – Кропивницький: ІМЕКС-ЛТД, 2021. – 112 с.
Problem interaction in groups: phenomenology, factors, prevention : monograph [L. H. Chorna, P. P. Gornostay, O. V. Yaremchuk, V. I. Vus, O. L. Korobanova, O. T. Pletka] / for science. ed. L. G. Chorna; National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Social and Political Psychology. – Kropyvnytskyi: IMEX-LTD, 2021. – 112 p.


Історична психологія: націєтворчий потенціал
Historical psychology: nation-building potential

Яремчук О. В. Історична психологія: націєтворчий потенціал: монографія, 2 – ге вид, перероб., доповн. / О. В. Яремчук; Кам’янець-Подільський : ТОВ «Друкарня Рута», 2021. – 152 с.
Yaremchuk O. V. Historical psychology: nation-building potential: monograph, 2nd ed., revised, supplemented / O. V. Yaremchuk; Kamianets-Podilskyi: “Drukarnia Ruta” LLC, 2021. – 152 p.

Access mode:

Групові ресурси подолання наслідків негативних соціальних явищ
Group resources for overcoming consequences of negative social phenomena

Групові ресурси подолання наслідків негативних соціальних явищ: практичний посібник [Л. Г. Чорна, П. П. Горностай, В. І. Вус, О. Л. Коробанова, О. Т. Плетка] / за наук. ред. Л. Г. Чорної; Національна академія педагогічних наук України, Інститут соціальної та політичної психології. – Кропивницький: Імекс-ЛТД, 2021. – 98 с.
Group resources for overcoming consequences of negative social phenomena: practical guide [L. H. Chorna, P. P. Gornostay, V. I. Vus, O. L. Korobanova, O. T. Pletka] / for science ed. L. G. Chorna; National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Social and Political Psychology. – Kropyvnytskyi: Imex-LTD, 2021. – 98 p.


Оптимізація групової взаємодії в малих групах

Optimization of group interaction in small groups

Оптимізація групової взаємодії в малих групах: посібник / [П. П. Горностай, Л. Г. Чорна, О. Л. Коробанова, О. Т. Плетка, Г. В. Циганенко]; за ред. П. П. Горностая. – К., 2020. – 126 с.
Optimization of group interaction in small groups: manual / [P. P. Gornostay, L. G. Chorna, O. L. Korobanova, O. T. Pletka, G. V. Tsyganenko]; under the editorship P. P. Gornostaya. – K., 2020. – 126 p.

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Prepared for print
A prospective list of the main scientific directions and problems for graduate students, doctoral students and applicants

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Practical experience of Team

  • Development and implementation of programs for psychological research of group dynamics, group identity, conscious and unconscious components of group interaction, group phenomena;
  • Development and implementation of programs for optimizing the socio-psychological climate of small and medium-sized groups (school, scientific, production teams, organizations, study groups of various kinds);
  • Psychological support for resolving intra- and intergroup conflicts, overcoming group tensions; facilitating group interaction and promoting the mental health of group members;
  • Development and verification of active socio-psychological methods of working with the group using different approaches (trainings and workshops, psychosocial support and socio-psychological support; psychodrama, transactional analysis, artpedagogy and art therapy, fairytale therapy, traumatherapy);
  • Modeling of social and historical processes and events using special methods of working with the group (psychodrama, sociodrama, socio-psychological reconstruction);
  • Psychological counseling and psychotherapy (individual, group, including family);
  • Training psychologists in the basics of psychological counseling;
  • Psychological supervision and intervisions;
  • Development of psychodiagnostics tools;
  • Development of curricula and teaching of psychological disciplines;
  • Development of methods of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to groups and individuals;
  • Volunteer activities to accompany vulnerable groups of the population, socio-psychological adaptation of various social groups of the population in difficult social situations (IDPs; combatants and members of their families; persons with special needs; children deprived of parental care; elderly people);
  • Review and scientific expertise of research, methods, publications, international and national cooperation programs, internships, etc.;
  • Development of international cooperation (academic, research, professional communities and institutions (WHO, International Medical Corps, UN Global Compact, etc.)) and organization of international events;
  • Project management;
  • Organization of publication and promotion of scientific professional publications into international scientometric databases.
  • Research work – the sphere of scientific interests of the laboratory staff includes social psychology of small groups; psychology of group interaction; role identity of the person; psychology of creativity, abilities and giftedness; historical psychology; psychology of collective trauma; consultative psychology; gender-role psychology; mental health issues
  • Teaching activity
  • Practical psychological and psychotherapeutic work on psychological counseling, psychological assistance, psychodramatic, sociodramatic sessions, art therapy, possession of CBT and TA; individual and group supervision
  • Professional development at various training courses
  • Editorial and publishing activities
  • Reviewing manuscripts prepared for publication
  • Membership in professional organizations (Association of Political Psychologists of Ukraine, Art Therapeutic Association, National Psychological Association of Ukraine, Ukrainian Association of Transactional Analysis, Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists, etc.

Our Expertise

  •  development of programs and conducting psychological research, training courses, methods, projects, special courses on request; implementation of surveys, surveys and the use of the data obtained in order to develop measures aimed at overcoming the identified problems;
  • development and conduction of socio-psychological trainings, other active socio-psychological methods of working with the group;
  • optimization of the socio-psychological climate of collectives, organizations, other types of groups; mediation and psychological support for overcoming group crises; facilitation of group interaction;
  • psychological support of the processes of formation and development of groups, teams, school teams and student groups;
  • conducting focus groups;
  • conducting psychodramatic and sociodramatic sessions in small and medium-sized groups;
  • psychological support of election political campaigns;
  • conducting social role-playing games of various topics and orientation;
  • art-therapeutic work (individually and in groups) using methods of isotherapy, fairytale therapy, drama therapy, etc.;
  • psychological counseling and psychotherapy (individual, group, including family);
  • psychological rehabilitation and support of combatants;
  • training psychologists in the basics of psychological counseling;
  • organization and conduction of psychological supervisions and interviews;
  • implementation of project management;
  • organization of publication and promotion of scientific professional publications into international scientometric databases;
  • quantitative and qualitative psychological research;
  • reviewing and editing of all types of scientific products.
  • Training seminar “Peculiarities of working with losses, injuries, family problems” for volunteers – aimed at mastering the methods of psychosocial support for families of ATO/JFO veterans.
  • Seminar “Family Values” – reveals the peculiarities of the psychologist’s work with vulnerable segments of the population (ATO/JFO and IDP veterans and their families).
  • Training seminar “I am within myself and another” – reveals the features of psychological work with personal boundaries.

Curriculum, courses, programs
  • “Theory and practice of psychological counseling” (460 hours). The program is designed to improve the skills of psychologists-consultants, practical psychologists and methodologists-psychologists of the education system, psychologists of the centers of social services for youth. The program takes into account modern requirements for the professional activity of a psychologist-consultant. The program aims to master the basic theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical skills and abilities, reflection of personal counseling experience working with adults, children and adolescents, families, etc.
  • Advanced training course Art therapy: theory and practice of counseling.
  • Volunteer school (training program of 8 modules) – aimed at mastering methods of working with vulnerable groups of the population (ATO/JFO and IDP veterans and their families).
  • “The practice of providing psychological, social and pedagogical assistance in extreme situations in educational institutions” – a program of advanced training course for school psychologists.
  • “Intensive work with trauma” – a program of training psychologists in methods of working with persons affected by traumatic events.
  • Educational course “Organization of the mental health care system in transitional societies”.
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of group psychology – training course and programs

