Psychological Sciences: Problems and Achievements

Editor-in-chief – Vitaliy Tatenko, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Chief Scientist of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Sphere of scientific interests – history of psychology, theoretical and methodological problems of psychology. He carried out the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the subject-behavioral approach, proposed author’s projects of substantive concretization of the subject and method of psychological science and the system integration of psychology as a science. Has developed a conceptual model of human development as a subject of mental life in ontogenesis. Introduced a systematic approach to the study of socio-psychological mechanisms of human influence on man. He suggested the method of joint work of the teacher and students, experimentally proved its effectiveness. Has developed a scientific model of diagnosis, correction and prevention of deviations in the behavior of difficult students. He conducted research on the psychology of political leadership, AIDS, gender equality in the education system, and others. He is now involved in the development of problems in the methodology of psychosocial and politico-psychological research.

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