About the Department:
The Laboratory for Psychology of Youth Political Behavior was set up in the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine in 1995
Web-site: http://ispp1994.wixsite.com/labpolitpov/about-us
e-mail: polso@ispp.org.ua
Department Head:
Iryna Ostapenko
candidate of psychological sciences, senior researcher
Department staff:
Iryna Zhadan
candidate of psychological sciences, senior researcher, laboratory chief researcher
Svitlana Poznyak
candidate of psychological sciences, senior researcher, laboratory senior researcher
Oksana Sknar
candidate of psychological sciences, senior researcher, laboratory senior researcher
Maryna Sydorkina
candidate of psychological sciences, laboratory senior researcher
Alla Krasniakova
laboratory researcher
- Regional peculiarities of school and university students’ identification as a factor of state educational policy (2022-2024)
- Socio-psychological factors of university students’ citizenship competence development (2019–2021)
- Transformation of communication practices as a factor of youth civic and national self-identification in different regions of Ukraine (2016–2018)
- Interaction of the political socialization subjects as a factor of structuring university students’ political world outlook (2011–2015);
- Social leaning as a mechanism of youth political socialization in the conditions of education modernization (2007–2010);
- Social science education as a factor of youth social representations formation in the society under transformation (2004–2006);
- Psychological framework of constructing the content of the younger generation political education (2000–2003);
- Science and methodological framework of monitoring life plans and professional interests of teacher training institution students and young teachers (1998);
- Socio-psychological peculiarities of the formation of school and university students’ political culture in the conditions of education humanization (1995–1997).
I.V. Zhadan Hromadianska kompetentnist: sotsialni ochikuvannia ta realii [Citizenship competemce: social expectations and reality]. Monohrafiia. Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii. – Kropyvnytskyi. – 2022. – 110 s.
Sotsialno-psykholohichni resursy rozvytku hromadianskoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh pedahohiv [Socio-psychological resources of developing citizenship competence of the future teachers]. Praktychnyi posibnyk / S. I. Poznyak, M.Iu Sydorkina, I.V.Ostapenko, A. O. Krasniakova, O. M. Sknar ; za nauk. red. S. I. Poznyak; Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii – Kropyvnytskyi. – 2022.
Ostapenko I. V. Mediakontent yak zasib rozvytku hromadianskoi kompetentnosti molodi [Media content as a means of developing youth citizenship competence] : metodychni rekomendatsii. Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii – Kropyvnytskyi: Imeks-LTD, 2022. – 92 s.
Mekhanizmy hromadianskoi i natsionalnoi samoidentyfikatsii: transformatsii komunikatyvnykh praktyk [Mechanisms of civic and national self-identification: transformation of communication practices] : monohrafiia / I. V. Zhadan, A. O. Krasniakova, S. I. Poznyak, O. M. Sknar ; za nauk. red. I. V. Zhadan ; Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii. – Kropyvnytskyi: Imeks-LTD, 2019. – 192 s.
The monograph deals with the findings of the study devoted to the peculiarities of the national and civic self–identification communication practices of the youth in different regions of the country. It also presents the strands, strategies and technologies of the identification discourse transformation determined by the results of the analysis of the basic meanings of the most common self-identification practices.
Ostapenko, I. V. Stratehii ta tekhnolohii aktyvizatsii samoidentyfikuvannia molodi [Strategies and technologies of enhancing youth self–identification] : metodychnyi posibnyk / I.V.Ostapenko. Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii Kropyvnytskyi : Imeks-LTD, 2019. – 92 s.
The manual outlines the problems and strategies of enhancing the process of youth national and civic self-identification describes the potential of communication as a factor of youth national and civic self-identification as well as presents the results of the empirical research on the manifestation peculiarities of the barriers of youth national and civic self-identification in different subsystems of social interaction. The author suggests a program of the socio-psychological training aimed at enhancing youth self-identification.
Politychna kartyna svitu studentskoi molodi: psykholohichni problemy formuvannia [Political world outlook of university students: psychological problems of formation] : monohrafiia / V. D. Bondarenko, I. V. Zhadan, S. I. Poznyak ta in. – K. : Milenium, 2017. – 264 s.
The publication outlines the problem zones in structuring student political world outlook and the peculiarities of the construction of some of its components (values, motivation, social and authority-subject interaction, historical memory and political practices) identified by the results of the empirical studies. The authors determine the resources of the socializing discourse and suggest technologies of its optimization.
Sknar O. M. Potentsial proektyvnykh metodyk u formuvanni politychnoi kartyny svitu molodi [Potential of the projective methods and formation of youth political world outlook] : posibnyk / O. M. Sknar. – K. : Milenium, 2017. – 96 s.
The manual contains a detailed description of the projective methods and techniques (both verbal and non–verbal), which can be used in political and psychological studies and applied in the training sessions aiming at youth political world outlook formation.
Formuvannia navychok efektyvnoi politychnoi uchasti molodi: tekhnolohii psykholohichnoho suprovodu [Formation of effective political participation skills: technologies of psychological support] : [monohrafiia] / za nauk. red. L. O. Kyiashko. – K. : Milenium, 2014. – 316 s.
The monograph presents a study on the objective and subjective factors of macro– and microenvironments which influence the formation of the political participation motivation and skills of the youth. The publication describes a conceptual model of motivation and social interaction skills formation in the political environment and puts forward a scientific rationale of the system of socio-psychological influence on cognitive, communicative and motivational components of political participation and political decision-making skills.
Poznyak S. I. Resursy hromadianskosti: sotsialno-psykholohichna skladova [Resources of citizenship: socio-psychological dimension] : metodychni rekomendatsii / S. I. Poznyak. – Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2013. – 136 s.
Sydorkina M. Yu. Tvorcha vzaiemodiia yak zasib harmonizatsii simeinykh stosunkiv [Creative interaction as a means of harmonizing family relationship] : metodychni rekomendatsii / M. Yu. Sydorkina. – Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2013.
Sotsialne nauchannia: mekhanizmy rozvytku politychnykh stavlen molodi [Social learning: machnisms of youth political attitudes development] : naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk / I. V. Zhadan, I. A. Diduk, S. I. Pozniak ta in.]; za nauk. red. I. V. Zhadan. – Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2012.
Sotsialni uiavlennia molodi: osoblyvosti ta shliakhy formuvannia [Youth social trpresentations: peculiarities and ways of formation] : [kolektyvna monohrafiia] / za red. I. V. Zhadan. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2007. – 218 s.
Politychna osvita v suchasnii shkoli: psykholohichna model: naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk [Political education in the modern school: psychological model] / za red. I. V. Zhadan. – K., 2006. – 139 s.
- studying processes and trends of youth political behavior
- development of the methodological instruments for analysis of the state and tendencies in youth political behavior development
- development of syllabi, master classes and socio-psychological training programs
- quantitative and qualitative studies in the field of social and political psychology and marketing
- conducting and organizing focus-group surveys, data processing and analysis, formulation of recommendations with regards to the subject of the survey
- development, organization and conducting of socio-psychological trainings, seminars, master classes in various areas of client’s interests. Development of recommendations as to the further strands of activities
- socio-psychological training aimed at enhancing youth national and civic self-identification (Iryna Ostapenko)
- social role play “Problems of youth and prospects of their solution” aimed at developing communication skills of the youth to define a problem, analyze its courses and suggest possible solutions
- psychological counselling of parents: individual counselling sessions on the problems of child and teenager upbringing and development, improvement of child-parent relations, overcoming children and teenagers’ emotional and behavioral problems
- career guidance psychodiagnostics of teenagers
- educational seminars for psychologists working in the educational establishments
- seminar “Application of the art therapy technologies in the psychological work with children and teenagers”
- seminar “Means of psychological renewal” focusing on developing skills facilitating psychological renewal after traumatic events
- educational seminars for parents: “Adaptation of children to school”, “Psychological needs of children”
- Erasmus+Project “Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training, and Academic Writing instruction in Ukraine’s regions” (grant agreement # 2016–3092/001-001 /DocHub/ (Iryna Zhadan, Svitlana Poznyak)
- Membership in the editorial board of the Journal of Social Science Education (Svitlama Poznyak)