About the department:
Research issues: citizenship, political and legal awareness, civic position of the individual, negative psychological phenomena, prejudices, instructions, attitude, intolerance, extremism, mistrust.
Forecasting of the consequences and creation of programs to prevent negative manifestations of citizen activity in the political and legal sphere is carried out.
Recommendations and preventive programs are being developed to prevent negative psychological consequences in the political and legal sphere related to military actions in the Ukraine; recommendations on the psychological support of working with different layers of the population for the prevention and overcoming of such phenomena.
Means of formation of individual readiness for constructive interaction with authorities, institutions of civil society and other citizens are being researched and developed.
Diagnostic procedures are being developed and the mechanisms of forming guidelines for finding mutually beneficial joint solutions in complex social situations of interaction are being studied.
Site: http://psy-lpr.at.ua/
e-mail: vitalii.dukhnevych@ispp.org.ua
Department staff:
Dukhnevych Vitaly ‑ head of the laboratory, candidate of psychological sciences, senior researcher.
Kochubeynyk Olha ‑ doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, leading researcher
Dovgan Nataliya ‑ doctor of psychological sciences, leading researcher
Sievers Zinaida – candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, leading researcher
Tsukur Olha ‑ candidate of psychological sciences, researcher
Psychological factors of readiness of individual and collective subjects for constructive behavior in emergency situations (2020-2022)
Scientific and methodical strategies to prevent negative psychological phenomena in political and legal sphere in the conditions of military conflict (2017-2019)
Psychological factors of becoming a political and legal consciousness of young people in conditions of modernization of the Ukrainian society (2014-2016)
Dukhnevych, V.M., Kochubeinyk, O.M., Osadko, O.Iu., & Sivers, Z.F. (2020). Nehatyvni psykholohichni yavyshcha u polityko-pravovii sferi v umovakh voiennoho konfliktu: monohrafiia [Negative psychological phenomena in the political and legal sphere in the conditions of military conflict: monograph] (V.M. Dukhnevych, red.). Kropyvnytskyi: Imeks-LTD. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/DukhnevichMon-maket.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Sivers, Z.F., Dukhnevych, V.M., Osadko, O.Iu. (2020). Polityko-pravova svidomist molodi: psykholohichnyi analiz. Monohrafiia [Political and legal consciousness of youth: psychological analysis. Monograph] (Z.F. Sivers, red.). Kropyvnytskyi: Imeks-LTD. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/monografija-2020-red-sivers.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych, V.M., Kochubeinyk, O.M., Kravchuk, S.L., Nykonenko, L.V., Osadko, O. Yu., Sivers, Z. F. (2020). Nehatyvni psykholohichni yavyshcha u polityko-pravovii sferi v umovakh voiennoho konfliktu: shliakhy i zasoby zapobihannia: praktychnyi posibnyk [Negative psychological phenomena in the political and legal sphere in the conditions of a military conflict: ways and means of prevention: a practical guide] (V. M. Dukhnevych, red.). Kropyvnytskyi: Imeks-LTD. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/DukhnevichPosibnik2020-maket.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Sivers, Z. F., Dukhnevych, V. M., Osadko, O.Iu. (2017). Prykladni aspekty stanovlennia polityko-pravovoi svidomosti molodi: posibnyk [Applied aspects of the formation of the political and legal consciousness of young people: a manual]. Kropyvnytskyi : Imeks-LTD. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/SiversPosib2017.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych, V.M. (compiler). (2022). Nadzvychaina podiia: sotsialni, psykholohichni, suspilni vymiry. Materialy kruhloho stolu 27.06.2022. [An extraordinary event: social, psychological, societal dimensions. Round table materials 06/27/2022] Kyiv: ISPP NAPN Ukrainy. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/ks-materiali-2022.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych, V.M. (compiler). (2022). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti reahuvannia osoby i suspilstva na nadzvychaini sytuatsii: materialy fakhovoi dyskusii 14.12.2021 [Psychological features of individual and society response to emergency situations: materials of a professional discussion 12/14/2021]. Kyiv: ISPP NAPN Ukrainy. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/fakh-dis-12.2022.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych V.M. (compiler). (2021). Nadzvychaina podiia: metodolohiia vyvchennia ta praktyky opanuvannia: materialy kruhloho stolu 29.10.2021 [Extraordinary event: study methodology and mastering practices: materials of the round table 10/29/2021]. Kyiv: ISPP NAPN Ukrainy. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/ks-np-2021.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych, V.M. (compiler). (2019). Nehatyvni psykholohichni yavyshcha v umovakh voiennoho konfliktu: materialy vystupiv i propozytsii uchasnykiv zaochnoho Kruhloho stolu (22 lystopada – 6 hrudnia 2019) [Negative psychological phenomena in the conditions of military conflict: materials of speeches and proposals of the participants of the correspondence Round Table (November 22 – December 6, 2019).]. Kyiv: ISPP NAPN Ukrainy. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/ks-lpppv-2019.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych, V.M. (upor). (2019). Problemy polityko-pravovoho samovyznachennia osobystosti v umovakh voiennoho konfliktu : materialy kruhloho stolu 27.11.2018 [Problems of political and legal self-determination of the individual in the conditions of military conflict: materials of the round table 27.11.2018]. Kyiv: ISPP NAPN Ukrainy. . http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/ks-materiali-2018.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Kochubeynyk, O. M., Dovhan, N. O., Dukhnevych, V. M., Ivachevska, O. V., Petrenko, I. V., Sivers, Z. F., & Tsukur, O. H. (2018). Sotsialnyi dialokh u vymirakh kohnityvnoho spilkuvannia [Social dialogue in the dimensions of cognitive communication]. Kropyvnytskyi. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/KochubMaket2018.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Kazmirenko, V. P., Dukhnevych, V. M., Osadko, O. Yu., & etc. (2013). Zasady kohnityvnoi psykholohii spilkuvannia: monohrafiia [Principles of cognitive psychology of communication: monograph] (V. P. Kazmirenko, ed.). Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD. . http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/zasadi_kognitivnoji_psikhologiji_spilkuvannja.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Kazmirenko, V. P., Dukhnevych, V. M., Sivers, Z.F., & etc. (2011). Aktyvizatsiia kohnityvnykh protsesiv u spilkuvanni : metodychnyi posibnyk [Activation of cognitive processes in communication: methodical guide] (V.P. Kazmirenko, ed.). Kyiv: Milenium. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/aktivizacija_kognitivnikh_procesiv_u_spilkuvanni.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Dukhnevych, V.M. (2014). Prykladni pytannia tekhnolohii pidhotovky ta provedennia kohnityvno-oriientovanykh treninhiv spilkuvannia: metodychni rekomendatsii [Applied issues of technologies for preparing and conducting cognitively-oriented communication trainings: methodical recommendations]. Kyiv: Milenium. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/DuhnMetod2-13.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Tytarenko, T.M. , Kochubeinyk, O.M , Cheremnykh, K.O. (2014). Psykholohichni praktyky konstruiuvannia zhyttia v umovakh postmodernoi sotsialnosti: monohrafiia [Psychological practices of constructing life in the conditions of postmodern sociality: a monograph]. Kyiv: Milenium. http://www.ispp.org.ua/backup_ispp/1423061573.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
Kazmirenko, V.P. (ed.) (2008). Intehratsiini protsesy v suspilstvi ta politychnyi vybir osobystosti: Monohrafiia [Integration processes in society and the political choice of an individual: Monograph.]. Kyiv: Milenium. http://psy-lpr.at.ua/Materials/integracijni_procesi_v_suspilstvi_ta_politichnij_v.pdf. (in Ukrainian)
- Development and implementation of programs of psychological research into the phenomena of political and legal consciousness, negative psychological phenomena in the political and legal sphere accompanying the military conflict in the Ukraine
- Development and implementation of educational socio-psychological and psychological political-legal programs, trainings and business seminars
- Development of anti-crisis action programs for various business structures
- Development and implementation of innovation activity sessions, organizational and management activities
- Psychological support for the launch and implementation of Projects in various spheres of activity
- Psychological counseling
- Development of psychodiagnostic tools
- Development of educational programs and teaching of psychological disciplines
- Socio-psychological mechanisms of formation / regulation of political and legal consciousness of young people.
- Actual political and legal ideas and legal needs of modern youth.
- Socio-psychological features of the formation of the national-state identity of youth in modern Ukraine.
- The image of law as a semantic level of legal awareness and its features among young people.
- Socio-psychological factors of actualization and blocking of the motives of lawful behavior of young people.
- Political and legal culture as a factor in the regulation of individual behavior.
- Psychological features of the influence of mass media on the formation of political and legal attitudes of an individual.
- Attribution of responsibility and guilt as a mechanism for the formation of lawful behavior.
- The relationship between political and legal consciousness and ideas about justice.
- Justice as the basis of the social instruction of the individual on the legitimacy of power.
- Rational and irrational factors in the formation of political and legal consciousness.
- The influence of the political and legal consciousness of young people on the formation of their civic position and internal regulators of legal behavior.
- Peculiarities of the value orientations of the legal consciousness of young people.
- Features (factors, mechanisms) of the transformation of the image of the state among modern youth.
- Socio-psychological regularities of the construction (becoming, formation, development) of young people’s relations with the state and political and legal institutions.
- Socio-psychological regularities of formation and dynamics of evaluations of politics and law by young people in periods of social transformations.
- Communicative features of the formation of political and legal consciousness of young people.
- Peculiarities of the subjective legitimation of legal norms depending on the group values of the youth environment.
- Socio-psychological features of the development of an individual’s civic position.
- Socio-psychological conditions for the prevention of negative psychological phenomena in the political and legal sphere.
- Socio-psychological patterns of occurrence and overcoming of negative psychological phenomena in the political and legal sphere.
- consulting,
- psychological support of management activities,
- development and conducting of trainings,
- development and implementation of innovation activity sessions, organizational and management events,
- psychological counseling,
- psychological examinations,
- quantitative and qualitative psychological research.
We offer the following training courses:
- “Psychology of Power and Influence in Management”
- “Psychology of Public and Negotiation Activities”
- “Analysis of social data: methodology, descriptive statistics, algorithms”
- “Discourse analysis of social currents”
We offer the development and conduct of various social and psychological trainings.
Topics of trainings:
- Power and Influence
- Communicative competence
- Negotiation
- Conflict analysis
- Public activity
- Presentation activity
To increase the effectiveness of training, it is possible to develop professional cases for inclusion in the structure of training classes.
We develop and conduct innovation activity sessions, organizational and management activities and psychological support for the launch and implementation of Projects in various spheres of activity.
Our employees have experience in developing anti-crisis action programs and business seminars for various business structures.
The topic and content of such events are determined during negotiations with the customer.
Mathematical methods in psychology
The task of studying the course is to provide knowledge about the essence, purpose, ways of using mathematical methods in psychology. Formation of skills and knowledge of the content and methods of sample formation, primary data processing, preparation of statistical conclusions, use of correlation, dispersion, cluster and factor analysis. Using the SPSS program for statistical processing of research data.
Mathematical methods allow a psychologist to correctly solve the following problems:
- to give an idea of the main statistical procedures and methods of their application;
- to teach how to carry out the initial statistical processing of experimental research data independently;
- to teach how to make the correct conclusion based on the results of statistical analysis;
- to teach to understand mathematical literature, which is used for statistical processing of experimental data.
The correct application of mathematical statistics will allow a psychologist to:
- to prove the correctness and reasonableness of the used methodological techniques and methods;
- substantiate strictly experimental plans;
- generalize the data of the experiment and identify the presence of significant differences between the sample populations of the groups participating in the study to build statistical hypotheses and avoid logical and substantive errors in their interpretation.
Experimental psychology
The main goal of the educational discipline is to expand and systematize knowledge about the organization and conduct of psychological research, to develop skills for professional conducting of applied psychological research by future psychologists using various psychological methods.
The tasks of studying the academic discipline are:
- to reveal the types, stages, plans and conditions of conducting a psychological experiment;
- teach how to analyze and choose a set of complementary psychological methods and psycho-diagnostic techniques for research;
- form the ability to organize, conduct experimental and empirical research;
- develop the skills of primary and secondary processing of psychological research results;
- develop the ability to assess the reliability and validity of psychological research.